Executive Director
FredDr. Fredrick Kisekka-Ntale has 15 years of experience in Research and teaching, mentoring, Public Policy planning, Analysis and advocacy, Development planning, Conflict management and confidence-building mechanisms, Institutional coordination and dialogue with partners, inter and intra-institutional processes, project identification and supervision, evaluation and implementation of multi-faceted projects. Dr. Kisekka-Ntale is also an experienced trainer in varied research methodologies as well as an eloquent speaker with excellent presentation skills.

Dr. Kisekka-Ntale has hands on experience and extensively consulted for various international organizations within Africa, Europe and ASIA. Some of the organizations he has consulted for include: USAID, USDA, INCRAF, WWF, UNDP, NORAD, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, International Development Research Council (IDRC), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the World Food Program (WFP), the European Union (EU) and COMESA among others. Additionally, Dr. Kisekka-Ntale has worked as a visiting researcher at that University of Bayreuth, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), the Institute of African Studies, University of Leipzig, Germany, the South African Institute of International Studies (SIIA) the University of Kwazul Natal and the University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

Dr. Kisekka-Ntale’s broader research interests fall within the scope of the state, people and natural resources. As such he has co- ordinated various research programs in the realm of Natural Resources Management (NRM), Political Economy of Food Management, the Politics of social protection and child learning in post conflict northern Uganda, and now the Politics and Political economy of oil and gas resources in Uganda. Currently, Dr. Kisekka-Ntale is a serving as the Executive Director and Senior Research Fellow at the Development Research and Social Policy Analysis Center (DRASPAC). He is the author of several articles in refereed journals, books and policy forums. He is also a regular commentator on local and international issues.